A Million Miles Story

Let’s be honest.
I’m not skinny. I’m not a health nut. Not a fitness guru.
I’m just an average, ordinary woman on a health journey. A wife and mom. An author of more than thirty books. And now—a Nana.
I love to cook. I love to eat (somebody please raise their hand and tell me I’m not alone). I love to play golf, kayak, walk, ride my bike, and play with my grandson.
For years, I poured myself into taking care of my kids. Because that’s what parents do! If you know our story from Extreme Makeover: Home Edition or any of the other shows we’ve been on, you’re familiar with my theme of joy through trials. I wouldn’t trade my amazing story for anything—as hard as times might have been. But once my husband and I were empty-nesters, I realized I hadn’t done a great job taking care of myself. And my full-time job—author—was very sedentary.
So… I began to change things. A little at a time. I started moving more. Worked on healthier eating habits. And I drink a lot of water. I’ve only just begun. (As in, I really got serious about it a few months ago.)
There’s a long journey ahead of me. And at times, it’s overwhelming. But I’m committed to keeping my chin up and tackling this lifelong race one step at a time.
Once I started posting about participating in the Conqueror Challenges, and then shared about my new desk setup with a treadmill, I noticed something. Messages began pouring in.
From you.
People just like me.
Wanting to get healthy. But feeling alone.
Well, we’re going to change that.
There isn’t a charge to be a part of this group.
It’s simply a community. A place to journey together for a million miles. With inspiring stories from others and encouragement from all of us. And once we reach a million? Let’s do another. (There will even be some incentives and prizes along the way.)
Even if there’s only a few of us who journey together, that’s all right. The only number I’m focused on is the goal set. And it’s lofty. But I’d love to have you join me. Because an adventure is better with friends.