Road Trips, Famous Authors, and Lots of Luggage

This past week, I had the awesome privilege of traveling to and attending the National ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference.

We drove 1,100 miles (one way – and that means we drove 1,100 miles the other way too). We being – myself, Holly, Josh, Kayla, the amazing Donita K. Paul, her daughter and my friend – the Queen of Denmark (a.k.a. Evangeline Denmark).
We had a blast.

Arriving in Minneapolis in the wee hours of the morning, a wonderful gentleman from the hotel came to help us unload. Does anyone remember the post when I stated that we do not travel light? Well, this young man’s gaze fully took in my giant Expedition loaded with passengers, luggage, and topped with two car-top carriers – and he knew the truth of that statement. His expression was a little overwhelmed, but he didn’t say a word. I walked up and told him how much we appreciated his help, explaining that my daughter has special needs – and we have to travel with the cooling gear, ice chests, medical stuff, and organic food. But he just turned to me and smiled, because he knew who we were – not just because of TV either – he’s related to our phenomenal neurologist! It’s a small world. 🙂

We finally unloaded, got everything arranged in our rooms, and crashed. One slight problem – the room wasn’t quite cool enough – so I stayed awake most of the night taking Kayla’s temperature. By mid-morning, her temp had risen, but she was still feeling all right. I talked to the hotel managers, and they sent engineering. Engineering worked on it only to discover that our room couldn’t get down to the temp that we needed. Oh boy. So, anyone want to venture a guess at what we did? We had to change rooms. Ah, my life. It’s always an adventure.

Once again, all of the paraphenalia had to be loaded up and moved. Four trips and many elevator rides later, the Bellman and I had resorted to telling jokes and cracking each other up. Donita and Evangeline were such good sports — you see, they aren’t accustomed to our chaotic, sometimes crazy, always interesting lives. So I felt really bad that they were having to go through all of this with us. They took it all in stride – Donita in the cold rooms while I traipsed back and forth with the Bellman, and Evangeline throwing things back into bags in the not-so-cold rooms, while Holly had the kiddos in the pool. Let me tell you – I love those ladies. We were close friends before, but now, I feel like Anne from Avonlea – kindred spirits is what those two are to me!

There is a lot more to our little adventure, and I have a feeling Evangeline will blog about bugs raining down, safety pins, and chocolate – so I will let her tell THAT fun part of the story – her blog is

During the conference, I’d decided that I needed an “As Seen On TV” sticker on my name badge. Why, you ask? Well, it’s amazing to be surrounded by wonderful and incredibly famous authors – but it’s pretty funny when people recognize you, and can’t remember why! And of course, since I was at a “writer’s” conference – most people assumed I must be some famous author with my picture plastered across the back cover. Ah – maybe one day – but for now, I’m happy to say, “Oh, you just saw me on TV, that’s why I look familiar.” It was a hoot! And I’m glad I was able to be a part of ACFW.

My life is an adventure…

PS – I’ve had trouble with blogger posting my blogs. My website gets a lot of traffic, and after the Discovery airing, the counter froze up and I couldn’t post. So this is a trial run. If it works, then I will finally get to post the author bios for our reading contest!
God Bless and may you have many of your own adventures!

Comments 6

  1. I bet it was fun not to be immediately recognized from the shows you been on. I watched during the Nashville DP trip and I loved how everyone followed you around. It really is a inspiring story and we do all love you and your family and your story. Did anyone stop you at the Mall of America signing? I’m curious.

  2. okay kim – I’ll field this one for ya…

    Yes, she was stopped at the Mall of America. A lot. I wasn’t with her the whole time, but enough to see people stopping her every five minutes. We shoulda had a table set up just for her and her kids. Everyone wants to meet them and talk to them and see Kayla in her vest. And who wouldn’t? They’re amazing!
    Another ACFWer who adores my friend Kim

  3. Okay, our road trip was so crazy fun I’d leave again with Kim and her clan in a second. I see I’m going to have to blog some more about our hysterical moments. (Hey look, it’s a brick wall!) But let me just take this chance to say that Kayla and Josh are absolutely delightful as are Kim and Holly (my fellow flying monkey.) It was a priviledge to get to hang with the Woodhouses. They are an exceptional family, and I couldn’t possibly say enough about how genuinely Christ-like their actions are.
    They are family now. After all, some things just have to stay in the family. We’ll always remember Country Fried Des Moines.

    Hamster Bubble Girl

  4. You know, the funny thing was – I first read that as “historical moments.”

    But knowing us – they were hysterical AND historical!

    I have great respect for Hamster Bubble Girl.

  5. You know, the funny thing was – I first read that as "historical moments."

    But knowing us – they were hysterical AND historical!

    I have great respect for Hamster Bubble Girl.

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