Wonder if Mom Would Write Me a Note for an Excuse…?

I wasn’t expecting to get knocked flat by the you-know-what crud at Christmas. Even when it seemed like the rest of the world all had it at the same time. With my asthma and my lung issues after a nasty case of Pertussis years ago, I had avoided it like… well, like the plague

I am VERY thankful that I’m past it and that it didn’t put me in the hospital, even though I have to admit that my oxygen numbers did get pretty low. But the brain fog, exhaustion, and other side effects have been no fun. I basically lost four weeks and now wonder how on earth it is FEBRUARY!?!

So if you see me wandering around with a notepad (because I can’t remember what I just said I was going to do) looking for my glasses (because who knows where I last set them down), it’s not just because I’m getting <ahem> older… no, that couldn’t be it. We’re going to blame it on the crud. My doctor even told me she’d write me a note (you know, like mom used to write for school?) because I’d been oxygen-deprived – so there! 

In the midst of all this – some wonderful things have happened! EVER CONSTANT released into the world on January 18th and reached #1 on Amazon’s New Releases in American Historical Romance. It also hit the Parable best-seller list twice so far. Thank you all SO much for your support and pre-orders. What a wonderful blessing. 

Ever Constant is the third and final installment in the Treasures of Nome series that Tracie and I wrote for Bethany House. We are ecstatic that it is finally out there and don’t you just LOVE that cover????


It is available in hardcover, paperback, large print (coming soon), audiobook, and ebook. {At the bottom of this post – you’ll find a wonderful review on EVER CONSTANT.} 

One of my favorite people on the planet is author Jaime Jo Wright. (if you haven’t read her books, she writes dual-timeline suspense with a gothic feel.) She recently did a podcast with me – and I’ve gotten several letters from people already about how much it has blessed them. To watch it on YouTube or listen in – the links are here: 
MadLit Musings Podcast (video) – Jaime Jo Wright and Kimberley Woodhouse
MadLit Musings Podcast – Jaime Jo Wright and Kimberley Woodhouse 

Another great thing that has thrilled me to pieces is all the wonderful feedback I’ve been receiving on A DEEP DIVIDE which released in October. (And just WAIT until you get to see the cover of book 2 – A GEM OF TRUTH – oh my goodness, it’s so gorgeous!) Several of the letters I’ve received from readers have put me in tears. This morning, I had the privilege of getting an email from the wonderful peeps at Bethany House who shared about a fabulous review that Historical Novel Society did on it. I hope that if you haven’t picked up a copy of the book, you’ll want to get one now! See the review below by clicking on the link:
A Deep Divide - Kimberley Woodhouse
If you didn’t see our fun new group – EATING OUR WORDS on Facebook with authors Tracie Peterson, Jaime Jo Wright, Jocelyn Green, Jayna Breigh, Becca Whitham, Darcie Gudger, and myself – then make sure you check it out. Lots of fun happening of there and lots of giveaways and prizes too! 
As always, I love hearing from you. I apologize for the delay in sending this out – I’m behind. Well, that’s an understatement. But hopefully you’ll forgive me! Love and hugs to you all!
Until next time,
Review on EVER CONSTANT (posted on Amazon):

Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2022

Verified Purchase
“The third and final book in the trilogy is outstanding, captivating the heart and soul of those who return to Nome, Alaska and the special people there. The first book is titled Forever Hidden and focuses on Havyn, one of three sisters who are musically talented and run a farm just outside of Nome. In the second installment, Endless Mercy, Madysen is the central character and is known for her gift of mercy. Now, in the final novel, we read about the oldest of the three sisters, Whitney. Whitney has seen many hard times in her young life and while being a stubborn woman can help one stand against trials, it might just lead to more pain for her and those she loves.
Whitney and the family lose their beloved grandfather after just losing another family member. She hasn’t recovered from the assault she experienced only a short time ago. Whitney loves her dogs and running sleds. If she can just keep others from knowing the pain she has locked in her heart, she might survive. However, those who love her can see the physical pain she still suffers from a head trauma. The only person she might open up to is the doctor, but if she tells him the truth of how she is “coping” with everything, it might just crush her heart and her hope.
Judas has been a family friend. He knows that if he can get Whitney to agree to marry him, he will be able to rule Nome unchallenged. But to get Whitney to agree to such a match, he must step on others and take from them to force her to accept him. Will Whitney face the pain she has locked deep within her heart and face the future honestly? Or will Whitney push others away, step away from what brings her joy and choose a loveless match?
When I started reading the story, I knew I was going to enjoy it as I have the previous two novels. What I didn’t expect was how magnetic the story was from the first page until the end. While I have never been to Alaska, I so enjoy reading stories set in that state. I became easily entangled in the lives of the three sisters and could identify with some of the challenges they each faced. Their faith was presented as a real, living faith with all the ups and downs and questions that come to anyone who walks through this life.
Audiences will thoroughly enjoy reading about the Powell sisters, Whitney, Havyn and Madysen along with their love of animals. Here is a truly inspiring suspense and romance series that is sure to keep you turning pages until dawn’s light. Enjoy!”

Comments 10

  1. So sorry you got the crud! Definitely not the way to start a new year, I know because my husband started 2021 by quarantining us all with it.
    I can’t wait for Gem of Truth, so exciting.

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  2. Glad you’re on the mend.
    My lungs were also damaged by pertussis a while back.
    We all started 2020 with the crud. Interesting thing, though. I’ve not needed my asthma inhaler even once since I got over it… but it seems to have taken forever to regain most of the lung capacity I had before getting it, and months to regain most of my stamina.

    Congrats on the book doing so well!

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  3. I absolutely LOVE the title A Gem of Truth!
    At the time my husband and I were dating I was also going through PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder.
    With every flashback or crying spell I went through, he would always tell me that I was his “diamond in the rough” because God was using those times to chip away all of the dirt and one day I would become a beautiful diamond.

    In 2008 God delivered me from PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder and now my husband calls me his beautiful Gem!

    I praise Jesus for His delivering power…and for my wonderful husband!

    I can’t wait to read your book!

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  4. I am recovering from the “c”.
    Thankfully I qualified for an infusion and am greatly improved very quickly.
    During my down time I read all 3 of the Alaskan books. Lovedbthe chickens and sheep and romances.
    Great stories.
    When is your next book out?
    Prayers as you recover and keep writing. I love Eating our words..fun fun.

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