How Many Pages? Our New Reading Contest!!

I have had a LOT of interest in the reading contest I challenged you all to last month.

So, here is another reminder and more info.

Keep track of the title, author, and number of pages for the books that you read.
And ALL books count. If you are a pre-school teacher and read a stack of books each day to your students, they ALL count. Keep track of them! The non-fiction, self-help books that you read, Bible Study books, novels, books you read to your children, AND there will be a special prize for those who read through the entire Bible during our year-long contest!

There will be winners for:
Most Books Read
Most Pages Read
Most Variety of Authors Read
and those who read through the entire Bible AND one of the above.

So, get to reading!

I’ve had hundreds of emails from you all saying how inspiring it is and you love the idea – so pass it on to your friends. I will be telling you all about different authors and books for the prizes as we go along. Stay tuned! It’s sure to be a fun year!

The contest will end the last day of June, 2009!

Feel free to email me through the website, or post a comment with any questions you may have.

I know someone who read thousands of pages on their vacation to get a jump-start, and another lady is reading picture books to her child every day and keeping track, so let’s do it!

I would also love to hear from all of you about how you are doing as the year progresses – And would love to use some of your testimonials.

I need to hurry up and post this as my battery is dying!
Have a wonderful day and read, read, read, READ!!

Comments 17

  1. Marissa – great idea too!

    I just invited 5 friends to do it with me and they all agreed!

    I’m excited too – I used to read all the time and then let it go. I watch entirely too much tv and told myself at the new year that I would stop.

    Your contest is going to help me fulfil my new year’s resolution.

    I need book suggestions – can I email you through the site for that?

    Thank you!

  2. You guys are wonderful. I’ve heard from so many of you and it’s going to be fun.
    I’m looking forward to it as well.
    watch out Kayla 🙂

  3. You guys are wonderful. I've heard from so many of you and it's going to be fun.
    I'm looking forward to it as well.
    watch out Kayla 🙂

  4. boy howdy! you r a blast!

    I’m gonna enter too!
    Hey I just saw on ABC that your show is coming on the 27th! Cool!

  5. Heard about this from Tricia Goyer’s blog. I don’t track # of pages so I won’t join in, but I think it’s a great idea! 🙂

  6. I also heard about this from Tricia’s blog.

    Since this started in June, is it all right for me to list the books I have read since then or start in July?

    Also, I am using excel to keep track of the books and pages of the books.

  7. Pattie – even if you just keep track of books – that’s fine, too!

    Leticia – Go ahead and list everything you’ve read since the start date! And I love your idea of using excel to keep track of it!

    Cara has emailed me about suggestions – and others feel free to email me if you have questions!
    Read, read, read!

  8. Pattie – even if you just keep track of books – that's fine, too!

    Leticia – Go ahead and list everything you've read since the start date! And I love your idea of using excel to keep track of it!

    Cara has emailed me about suggestions – and others feel free to email me if you have questions!
    Read, read, read!

  9. How do we post what we have read so you can see how we are doing? Just as a post on our blogs or what? I usually read a book a day whenever I have time, I am not sure how that will add up!

  10. Martha – you can post it on your blog if you want – or just keep track of it on paper. I will ask for everyone to send it to me in an email when the contest is over.
    We have over 300 people participating so far, so have fun readin!!!

  11. Martha – you can post it on your blog if you want – or just keep track of it on paper. I will ask for everyone to send it to me in an email when the contest is over.
    We have over 300 people participating so far, so have fun readin!!!

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