Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #7

Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!

  • The hunt BEGINS on 3/12 at noon MST with Stop #1 at  Lisa Bergrenโ€™s Site
  • Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
  • There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt–you have all weekend (until Sunday 3/15 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
  • Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!

Hey, Everyone! My name is Kimberley Woodhouse and I love books. I love reading them and I love writing them. I’ve got over twenty books published, but I feel like I’m just getting started. You can learn all about me and my books here on my site and on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. There’s lots of places for us to connect and I LOVE connecting with readers! If you can put up with my quirky craziness, we should get along just fine.

My January release this year is FOREVER HIDDEN. (Make sure you check out THE HEART’S STRONGHOLD which includes my novella Embers of Hope that just released as well!) Here’s a little about Forever Hidden

For Havyn Powell, growing up on her grandfather Chuck Bundrant’s dairy outside the 1904 gold-rush boomtown of Nome, Alaska, offered all she needed. But now, at twenty-three, Havyn realizes the stability of her life may soon vanish. Havyn is determined to find a way to keep the family together, but her grandfather’s health is declining and everyone seems to be holding secrets from one another, including the handsome, dark-haired stranger who recently arrived.
John Roselli heads to Nome on a mission. On his deathbed, John’s grandfather asked him to deliver a box to Chuck Bundrant. This is no small task and will cost everything he has, but John is determined to honor his grandfather’s wishes. But keeping his promise will forever change his life.

When tragedy strikes, Havyn and her sisters have a plan of using their beautiful voices and musical talents to perform and earn money at a local roadhouse. They’re an immediate hit, and it looks like the plan will save their family. But the spotlight brings with it danger, even as it serves to draw Hayvn and John ever closer. But will they realize the peril before it’s too late? Will the secrets that have been hidden for so long prove to destroy their happiness?

Our new series – The Treasures of Nome – takes us back to Alaska (Have you read our Heart of Alaska Series?) A place very near and dear to my heart. You may or may not know that my hubby and I lived there for several years, and we love going back. There’s nothing like Alaska. For this new series, we take you to remote Nome during the gold rush boom and explore another passion of mine within our stories. Music.

Growing up, music was my life. Piano and voice lessons, competitions (a LOT of them), choirs, music theater, you name it. I went on to major in music and studied piano under one of the greatest pianists I’ve ever seen. (I have a program of him performing at Carnegie Hall back in the 1940s hanging on my wall, but I digress.) I am a third generation Liszt student because of him, and I still love to teach and pass on the love of music to others. I’ll have to share the story of how I went from music major to author another time. 

Music is all around us isn’t it? I count it a privilege to have access to it all the time. But I want you to think about the early 1900s. Back before there were TVs, tablets, and smartphones. Back before even the radio! Music was an integral part of people’s lives. If they didn’t play an instrument, or have an instrument in their homes, they went to places to see music performed. Some went to grand concert halls, others went to their local churches, roadhouses, assembly halls, or even saloons to hear music played. 

In this new series, Tracie Peterson and I have named our heroines after three real-life sisters. The real Powell girls were students of mine back in Colorado. Whitney, Havyn, and Madysen.

Aren’t they beautiful? And just look at that hair. All three girls are gifted musically, and so they were the perfect choice for the sisters in our series. 

Here’s the Stop#7 Basics:

If you’re interested, you can order Forever Hidden on ChristianBook.comAmazonBarnes and Noble, or at your local bookstore!

Clue to write down: may live

Link to Stop #8, the Next Stop on the Loop: Courtney Walshโ€™s Site

Before you go, I’m offering THREE hardcover editions of FOREVER HIDDEN to three entrants. All you have to do is comment on this post, and/or follow me on Bookbub, Instagram, or check out my Facebook Author page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you so much for stopping by today! 

Enjoy the journey, 


Comments 182

  1. I’m not sure if I have a favorite instrument, but I love listening to my one brother play the piano, another brother play his guitar, and another brother play his harmonica! My sister is teaching herself the hammered dulcimer and I am teaching myself the Irish pennywhistle. We have lots of fun with music!

  2. Those three sisters are lovely! I always wanted to play an instrument and it never worked out. My sister and I had just started piano lessons when our teacher had to cancel them because her husband was ill. I love music though! It has a way of soothing my soul and putting a song in my heart.

  3. This may show up as a second comment-Iโ€™m not sure my first actually posted.

    The books sounds fascinating! The three sisters are lovely! Music is a balm for the soul and puts a song in my heart.

  4. In elementary school, I played the violin and enjoyed it very much. Today, I enjoy listening to classical music along with guitars and banjos.

  5. I love all musical instruments, but I’m thinking my favorite may be the flute, since that’s the one I play.

  6. My favorite musical instrument would have to be a saxophone. As a teenager, I played on for four years. I wish I had never found boys as I let them take that all away from me.

  7. I canโ€™t wait to read Forever Hidden! It sounds amazing! And I could stare at the cover all day! Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

  8. I learned how to play the piano when I was 7, so I would say its probably my favoriteโ˜บ I love to listen to the cello or any string instrument, though.

  9. My favorite “Instrument” is the instrument of my husband’s ‘vocal chords’ – He uses them to heal, to bring joy, to fill the dead spaces, but the best is when he cranks his chords up and the neighbors (10 acres away!) hear His voice in and through the instrument of vocal chords!

  10. I agree with the others that I don’t think I have a favorite, but I did play trumpet in middle school and high school band.

    Well, maybe my favorite instrument depends on who’s playing: Louis Armstrong makes the trumpet a favorite. George Gershwin makes the piano a favorite. Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller could make their trombones sing. Benny Goodman could play the clarinet like nobody’s business.

    So I guess, really, my favorite is anything played well.

  11. Thank you for the opportunity! My favorite instrument is the piano. I am not very skilled, but I can sit and play at it for hours. It’s relaxing and soothing!

  12. I love hearing my daughter play the piano- sheโ€™s very good! At one time I took some guitar lessons, but never got good at it…๐Ÿ˜

  13. My favorite musical instrument is the piano, which I play. I haven’t played for along time due to moving so I am rusty but I am enjoying playing. Thanks for the chance.

  14. I’ve always loved the piano. I love listening to piano music. I took lessons for 8 years when I was younger and can play pretty good. I have a keyboard that I play on now but it’s getting harder to play with carpel tunnel and arthritis.

  15. My favorite instrument is the violin. Maybe someday I’ll learn to truly play it, but till then, I’ll enjoy my cousin’s playing. Thank you for the chance!

  16. I love the acoustic guitar. I took lessons many years ago but never did very well. My dad played by ear but alas I didnโ€™t inherit his talent.
    My nine year old granddaughter is taking violin lessons and doing quite well. She enjoys practicing and has played in front of her school.
    Iโ€™ve read both your books in the daughters of the Mayflower series and really enjoyed them!

  17. I love the violin, cello or piano best! But I also love listening to a full orchestra too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you for the extra giveaway and participating in the hunt Kimberley!

  18. My favorite musical instrument? I love them all so this is really difficult. I guess the piano or the bells. I listen to music all the time because it makes me so happy! Thank you for being a part of the Scavenger Hunt.

  19. Favorite instrument would be any that is played well & loved by the musician. Although, guitar is probably high on the list with its practicality & portability. Thanks for sharing!! ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ“š

  20. Not sure if I have a favorite instrument. I like hearing violin, organ and piano.
    I started taking piano in about 1961 but have failed to practice in many years. I only took a couple of years and then learned to play by ear.

  21. Ok, so years ago when my daughter was picking an instrument for middle school band, we heard the oboe and I kind of fell in love with it. Sadly she never got to play it. My youngest son got a ukulele for Christmas and I’m digging hearing him play it!

    I love how the girls’ names are spelled! I’m excited to read this series!

  22. I love many musical instruments, but the violin is my favorite, it has such beautiful sounds. My daughter’s boyfriend is a musician and singer who plays the guitar, harmonica, and occasionally drums and we love going to listen to him perform. He is very talented.

  23. Being in the high school band was one of the highlights from my high school years so many years ago…and we were good!

  24. I really enjoy books with musicians in them, too, because I love music! I played keyboard in the pep band of our very small school, and then the music teacher gave me piano lessons for four years. I also have always sung solos and duets at church, been in the choir, and even joined an ensemble. I feel like music is almost a secret “language” that the Holy Spirit uses to speak to me in addition to the Bible. I love listening to most instruments, but piano, violin, and saxophone would probably be my favorites.

  25. My favorite musical instrument is a piano. My mother filled many a delightful hour playing the piano in her older years and even played for a ballet studio as a job when I was in middle and high school. She taught me the basics of piano playing but never was interested to the extent she was.

  26. I played several instruments throughout school; flute, piccolo, tenor sax and the French horn. My favorite will always be flute.

  27. I love the piano and almost every other musical instrument. I had lessons in violin and clarinet but that was so long ago I wish I could remember. Now that I’m in my 60’s I remember all of the things I used to be able to play.

  28. violin, erhu, ghuzeng, piano

    (since this is hardcover, i hope this is available to canadians! but if not, thank you anyway)

  29. (( couldn’t see my post, so sorry if this is a double post! and hopefully this is available to canadians as well! ))

    violin, erhu, ghuzeng, piano

    1. I took lessons for piano and saxophone for a while each. I’m not great at either. So sad I didn’t stick with either one! I still practice piano but I need to do a lot more work to be successful!

  30. I was a vocal music minor in college for a semester (during that semester I learned that my jaw doesn’t latch properly and therefore hours of “proper singing” are quite painful….. so I switched after a semester), and LOVE to sing. I also LOVE to read, so I abundantly LOVE it when the 2 come together. This one sounds like one I definitely need to check out!

  31. I love the violin because I played it when I was younger. But if I tried to play a string instrument now, I think I’d choose the viola or cello because I love the deeper notes. I also like the piano.

  32. My favorite instrument is the piano, but at the end of this month I start taking guitar lessons at the VA clinic where I live and a guitar doesn’t take up as much room as a piano in my tiny apartment. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and good luck everyone.

  33. I think harp music is so pretty and ethereal sounding. The last time I heard someone play a harp was when my mother was in ICU at the hospital. A volunteer brought her harp and played there. It was such a blessing to hear it and have my mind taken elsewhere for awhile.

  34. Those sisters are stunning. I’m a piano girl, though I can’t play it to save my life. ๐Ÿ™‚ I just love listening to it!

  35. My favorite instrument is the very dynamic piano. I also consider the voice to be an instrument since it is often likened to a harp.

  36. Wow, Kimberley – I had no idea you were a classically trained pianist! When I was studying music, I had the awesome privilege of playing in a piano quartet (2 pianos, 8 hands) and we played an arrangement of Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody #2. We performed it for one of our graduation recitals. SO much fun, but so very challenging too. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Looking forward to getting my hands on this book.

  37. I play the piano, although not very well. I didn’t appreciate the lessons my parents had me take when I was young, but I still plunk some music out now and enjoy it. I love hearing people that can really play well.

  38. I can play the basics on a piano and am learning the hammered dulcimer. I don’t have 1 favorite instrument, but my favorite groups of instruments are the Irish or Appalachian ones.

  39. I have tried to comment twice, but the site won’t publish. One of my favorite instruments is the hammered dulcimer which I am learning to play

  40. I loved the first series you did with Tracie Peterson. Can’t wait to read this one! I’ve never been to Alaska but I love reading books that are set in that wonderful landscape.

  41. I loved hearing about your interest in music! I am a music teacher, play piano on the worship team, and I’m starting on my own writing journey. Thank you for sharing a little more about yourself through this fun hunt!

  42. I also was musically trained and performed since I was a child through college, where I got a music degree. Then I wrote and recorded original albums but had to work to support my music passion. I was a computer programmer for two decades, while using my music talents at church, but the last several years I’ve been a Christian book editor! Now as I work I can enjoy one of my other major passions … reading. ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh–I went on an Alaskan cruise a few years back, and it’s utterly gorgeous! This story sounds like a real treat!

  43. I also was musical from the time I was a child and got a music degree! I love music–and reading. A few years back I went on an Alaskan cruise, and it was so gorgeous!! I’ll never forget it! This book sounds like a real treat! ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. It’s neat to see the real life girls who are models for the sisters. I played the flute from the 5th grade on. But my senior year in high school we had 12 flutists and no sousaphone players so I learned that for spring marching band season!

  45. I took piano lessons while growing up, so I do enjoy piano music. I also enjoy guitar, the strings, etc. And last but not least, I’d really like to read your book!

  46. Thank you for the opportunity!
    I use to play guitar. I own an accordion, but have yet to learn how to play it.

  47. I am so glad for the scavenger hunt. I’m learning about so many authors that either I had not heard of before or only recognized the names. Your new book sounds so interesting. I can’t wait to read it.

  48. Since I have no musical talent and come under the “make a joyful noise”category, I don’t have afavorite instrument. I just love music and have something playing in the background all day

  49. Oh, the violin and fiddle. I do not have the ability to sing, or play an instrument, but that is my favorite. My favorite history project was Pa’s Fiddle project and the documentary about making it, about Charles Ingalls and the fiddle.

  50. I tried learning to play the piano as a kid and teen but didn’t have the dedication/passion for it, so when college made it so I didn’t even have time to practice, I let it go and never went back. I still love listening to piano music, though. ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. Well considering that Iโ€™ve played the piano since the age of 6 and went on to get my degree in Piano Pedogogy, the piano is my favorite instrument. However I also love stringsโ€”violin (which I also play some), and my daughter plays viola.

  52. My favorite instrument to PLAY is the piano. My favorite instrument to listen to, is probably a well-played violin, or a french horn. I love the rich depth of the french horn’s tone, and I also love how versatile a violin can be. From the classics to the “fiddle music” of bluegrass, all are brought to sparkling life under a master’s bow.

  53. I love music. The steel guitar is my favorite. I, however, am not musically talented in any way. My mother played piano and the accordian and I loved listening to her.

  54. I enjoy listening to the piano (and other musical instruments too, but I had to pick a favorite). I just wish that I was musically talented.
    Thanks for participating in this giveaway.

  55. Thank you for the opportunity to enter! I have played the piano for almost 43 years (since I was two!) so it definitely wins as my favorite ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. I had a ๐ŸŽธguitar,but I also had a ๐ŸŽพtennis racquet. Did not ever use either because I did other activities. Reading ๐Ÿ“š..pets..
    No one in the family on any sides did much musically๐ŸŽถ 1 cousin
    The guitar,then my daughter plays piano ๐ŸŽน and guitar ๐ŸŽธ and sings๐ŸŽถ beautifully. Wins medals. No idea from where๐Ÿ™ƒ
    I LOVE music singing, listening.
    Thank you for your time and talents
    Sending you BLessings

    Kathy levernier

  57. I play the flute, my 7 year old daughter is learning to play the violin and is trying to teach me as well. My husband plays guitar and pretty much any string instrument he tries. My 5 year old daughter loves to sing and my 2 year old son gets out the ukulele every time any of us practices. We love music in our house. Thank you for participating and sharing your books with us.

  58. I took piano lessons when I was in my 20’s but it was only for 1 year. Just wasn’t for me.
    I really don’t know if I have a favorite instrument. Maybe to honor my dad, I’d say saxophone and clarinet.
    But I could say piano because my husband plays so well and then my son plays the violin. โ˜บ

  59. I love & appreciate all types of music! I took piano for 10 years. Unfortunately, I still canโ€™t play very well at all. I have NO sense of rhythm. LOL One of my best friends is one of the most gifted pianist & organist in the area. She has taught privately as well as on the College level & been the Church Organist at several large churches during her career. I could listen to her play all day long! She plays with such passion!

  60. Idk I think my fave is probly piano. I played for a short time from age 11 1/2 to 12 1/2. Then i moved and didn’t have access to a piano. So I lost what i had learned. I can pick out the notes on sheet music but that’s about all. No songs memorized. But i love listening to others play songs or covers of songs.

  61. I played trumpet in high school as well as piano. I spent time with the 8th grade band learning different instruments. I could never learn the flute though I tried. Love music!

  62. I donโ€™t think I have a favorite instrument. I can (barely) play the piano and clarinet. I wanted to learn trumpet but the band director told me girls who play trumpet quit. So I went with clarinet instead. I shouldnโ€™t have listened!

  63. I love the drums and saxophone. The richness of the sax or the heart beating rhythm from a drum makes my heart sing.
    Can’t wait to read this new series! Best of luck to you and Tracie with this series!

  64. I gave up piano lessons as a child to play in a school band where I played trumpet and bass. I learned to play the guitar though I probably couldn’t do it any more, but I LOVE the flute!!!

  65. The sisters are beautiful! I learned to play the flute as a young girl. I wish I had stuck with it. I have always wanted to learn to play the piano.

  66. I grew up in Alaska and moved just as I was entering my tweens. I recently went back for a visit with my family and NOW miss it more than ever!!! The pace is just different and the scenery is stunning.

  67. My favourite instruments are the violin and piano. I love the way both of them sound. I also used to play the violin years ago when I was younger, but it’s been years since I’ve played. I miss it.

  68. My my favorites are the violin and the cello. The cello has especially grown on me since I started listening to 2Cellos and The Piano Guys (though still wondering why the latter call themselves when it is one piano player and one cellist). And I love Lindsey Stirling on violin!

    But my own best instrument is my voice. Kind of sad I gave up studying music. But I still sing, even if mostly to help my older dog calm down.

  69. I love your stories. My favorite instrument is either violin or hand bells. I can play piano, clarinet, and bells, but I regret not having enough time that I quit violin after one year.

  70. My late husband played the guitar so I definitely have a love for it but I also think one of the most beautiful instruments that I ever heard played was the harp.

  71. Thanks so much for the Hunt! I love learning about new authors . Looking forward to checking out Forever Hidden.

  72. I donโ€™t necessarily have a favorite instrument. I have been a singer since childhood in choirs and solos at church, school, college, etc and also have competed in singing. (NATS) I love to hear a variety of music and I love watching and hearing really good instrumentalists play.

  73. We have some beautiful and talented red-haired sisters in our congregation. The girls might also enjoy these books.

  74. I love music! My favorite instrument is piano, especially when my 20 year old son is playing. He’s amazingly talented!

  75. I am so looking forward to reading Forever Hidden!! I LOVE how the scavenger hunt adds so many books to my TBR list.

  76. I’m not sure if I have a favorite instrument, because they’re all really great. But I do really enjoy fiddle music ๐Ÿ™‚

  77. I have wanted to learn to play an instrument for most of my life. I played clarinet in 7th grade, but I wasn’t very good at it. My son is musically gifted and can learn to play most any instrument he picks up. He played bagpipes in high school, and I really loved hearing him play. I don’t have a specific favorite instrument, but music is a huge part of my life.

  78. I have wanted to learn to play an instrument for most of my life. I played clarinet in 7th grade, but I wasn’t very good at it. My son is musically gifted and can learn to play most any instrument he picks up. He played bagpipes in high school, and I really loved hearing him play. I don’t have a specific favorite instrument, but music is a huge part of my life.

  79. I play the flute and absolutely love it! Although, if I could play any other instrument it would be either the piano or violin.

  80. Hi Kimberley! Thanks so much for being part of the scavenger hunt! I love listening to the cello or violin, piano, or oboe especially…I can only dream of playing, though!

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