Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #24

Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all 27 stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!

  • The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST with Stop #1 at
  • Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
  • There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/17 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
  • Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at Stop #27. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!

It is my honor to host the absolutely incredible Rachel Hauck. While we’ve ‘known’ each other through ACFW for much longer, ten years ago I had the privilege of meeting Rachel in person at the ACFW National Conference. A talented author, she’s also a fellow musician, and just a beautiful person. Here’s a brief summary of her upcoming April release THE MEMORY HOUSE: Embracing the future means remembering the past . . . Fifty years separate two women, but through the power of love and miracle of faith, they each find healing in a beautiful Victorian known affectionately as The Memory House.

The Story of a House by Rachel Hauck

I’ve always loved houses.

Big ones. Little ones. Victorian. Craftsman. The ‘20s and ‘30s bungalow style. Modular. Ranch, Colonial. Mid-century modern. The Brady Bunch house. The Friends’ apartment. Frasier’s 1901 apartment at the Elliot Bay Towers. The Blue Bloods’ brick two-story on Staten Island.

You get the drift.

But more than the architecture, I’m curious about the people and stories that dwell within the walls. (Below are two pictures of my office when we moved in May 2011)






Sad or happy? Cozy or austere? Was the place fixed up or run down? Did the same family live there for fifty years and finally sell when someone passed on? Or maybe a newlywed couple bought a place to fix up and call it their forever home?

My curiosity got the best of me and I came up with a story about a house. Rather, the people who lived in the house.

The idea started with a title: The House on Memory Lane. I loved the idea of a house full of memories being on Memory Lane.

But who lived in the house? What was their story? Sisters, maybe, returning after their mother’s death. Or coming home for a family reunion.

As I developed the idea, the concept of memories took a twist. What if the protagonists didn’t have memories? Or lost them for a season? Maybe something like selective amnesia.

At the risk of treading on a time-worn ‘70s soap opera theme, I went for it, built a story around healing memories, and changed the title to The Memory House

(My model for The Memory House on the left.) 

Houses can be symbolic in a story. A representation of the character’s inner life. Or perhaps a foreshadow of hope and healing.

For the characters in The Memory House, Everleigh and Beck, the house on Memory Lane in Fernandina Beach, FL became about restoration.

I like houses and the stories they tell about the people and lives they shelter. What about you?

Thanks so much for hosting me, Kimberley. Happy hunting, all!

Rachel Hauck is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. She is a Christy Award winner and a double RITA finalist. Her book, Once Upon A Prince, was made into an original Hallmark movie. She lives in central Florida with her husband and ornery cat.

Here’s the Stop #24 Skinny: You can order Rachel’s books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, or at your local bookstore!

Clue to Write Down: titles to

Link to stop #25, the Next Stop on the Loop: Rachel Hauck’s Own Site !

But wait! Before you go, I’m offering a giveaway for three winners  – one is a complete set of our best-selling THE HEART OF ALASKA SERIES, and two other winners will receive either THE MAYFLOWER BRIDE or THE PATRIOT BRIDE also from the Daughters of the Mayflower Series. (Can only ship to USA for winners) Rafflecopter form for this giveaway is below:

Comments 158

  1. I have learned too many things to be able to list in a short comment. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

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  2. I’ve learned about a few new authors I want to explore and learned about new books coming out from some of my favorite authors. I just read and reviewed The Golden Bride – really enjoyed!

  3. I learned about the lack of privacy in the Japanese Concentration Camp. Also there were American Citizens in The camp

  4. Thank you so much for this giveaway! I’ve learned about several new authors and new releases that sound amazing.

  5. It’s been fun to learn how long some of you authors have been friends with each other, what brought you together, and things like that. I have also definitely learned about some upcoming releases that I hadn’t heard of yet. 🙂

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  6. This whole experience is new for me! I have never done this type of thing before and so far I am loving it. I always look for ways to learn about new authors and this makes it so easy. I have been writing down names and titles throughout this whole process.

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  7. This scavenger hunt has been a lot of fun. Thank you for letting me participate in it. Love seeing new authors.

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  8. I knew that during the CA gold rush many ships were abandoned in SF Bay, but I didn’t realize that many were left there and built upon. Doesn’t seem very stable. The Smithsonian map was quite fascinating, too.

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  9. There are more Christian authors than I knew about. Lot’s of great sounding books to read!!! Thank you for the fun giveaways.

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  10. I have learned that many people will comment on a blog they are uninterested in just to have a better chance at winning. Including me!

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  11. I am enjoying learning new things about my old time author friends. And adding some new to me authors such as Stephanie Morrill.

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  12. I’ve learned about a couple new authors, and also gotten several reminders as to why I love several of the authors I already follow! 🙂

  13. I like history, and I love design, so the history of architecture is fascinating to me, though I’m very traditional in my preferences so don’t like anything modern or angular. 😉 I love learning how all these authors have been inspired by so many different things.

  14. As a genealogy buff it’s all so exciting to learn about the history of a place, and houses are so fascinating to me! I always wonder who built them, who lived there, and what tragedies and joys they experienced within those walls!

  15. I clicked on the link for the “scavenger hunt blog post” and got the missing page message so I’m going to assume that it just referred to this post. I’ve learned a lot of history tonight as I’ve gone through the scavenger hunt! I learned that there were female scribes way back in the day, which is very cool to find any trace of history on women. I also learned that King Nebuchadnezzar apparently had a sad but interesting medical condition! I also learned that there’s shipwrecks under the streets of San Francisco! Those archeological digs must’ve unearthed some really cool finds!

  16. So many things. San Francisco being built on landfill, that my heart, like Rachels loves homes and their stories, the 7 wonders of Daniel’s time and more. Thank you so much for the hunt.

  17. Very interested in learning more about the bride ships – never heard of those! Thanks for participating and sharing!

  18. I’ve learned about a few new authors I want to explore. I’ve also started making a list of books I’d like to read.

  19. I’ve learned, through this scavenger hunt, the names of some new authors and titles of some new books to check out.

  20. I learned that San Francisco was built on the carcasses of abandoned ships! Interesting! I also learned about some new authors and about some great books waiting to be read!

  21. I have learned a lot on this scavenger hunt about the research that goes into writing a novel and I find it fascinating! Thank you for participating!

  22. I’ve learned about authors I have never heard of before and also about different processes authors use to write their stories. It’s all been very fascinating!

  23. I have learned that there are a lot of Christian authors out there that I didn’t know about until this scavenger hunt started! How wonderful it is to find so many that I can add to my list. Thank you for the opportunity!

  24. How can I enjoy all the good books in one lifetime? I feel it is imagine but my bookshelf feels empty so maybe it’s time to as onto it. This scavenger hunt is so awesome, glad someone can you with such a great idea.

  25. A scavenger hunt – what a great way to find new authors to read! This is great fun and my TBR pile is going to be enormous.

  26. Thank you for writing good, clean, Christian romance. And thank you for this opportunity to win your book. God bless you.

  27. I love the scavenger hunts because I always find a new author that completely suits my variety of reading tastes. The best part is learning something interesting from each author, old or new to me.

  28. Seeing as I am in a Precepts Bible Study Group on the book of Daniel, I really learned from and enjoyed Mesu Andrews interview on her new book Of Fire and Lions.

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  29. I have learned there are many wonderful authors and many different genres of Christian fiction for readers to enjoy

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  30. I’ve often wondered about the stories the walls of a house could tell if only they could talk. I’m sure most would be quite fascinating. I’ve never really considered the exterior other than whether or not I like it.

  31. I learned several things. The British Home Children, that parts of San Francisco are built on top of ships that were broken up and sunk, and many Shaker proverbs.

  32. Hi and I’m commenting here as the link to comment on the scavenger hunt blog post said “I blew up the internet”…haha!

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  33. I have been to San Franscico more than once, and never knew that I was likely walking on ships of long ago! I love historical fiction for exactly that fact – I am always learning some thing knew 🙂

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  34. Hi Kimberely,
    I have never heard of you as an author. But reading the latest book recap has gotten me really enthralled to getting your books and reading more.

  35. Thank you for the opportunity! I have learned of one new author to me so far. I had never heard of Travis Thrasher before this Hunt, and I am always excited to find new great authors!

  36. I have learned of a few new authors and discovered there are some authors I read about and like but haven’t read a book by them. BTW I just finished reading the first two books of The Heart of Alaska and am expecting the third book to get to the library soon. I love the series.

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  37. These scavenger hunts are always fun. I had no idea San Francisco was established partly on the abandoned ships. 😮 It amazed me how many were truly left behind.

  38. I’ve found a few authors that are new to me. I’ve learned quite a few things, but my favorite is that at one point it was encouraged to feed the bears at the national parks. I never would have guessed that the park rangers would have encouraged that.

  39. It’s been interesting learning the inspirations behind different authors’ books–images, a What If question, an interest in a specific topic, etc. I now have more books on my TBR list.

  40. This is so much fun! I’ve found and few new-to-me authors and learned some interesting info from authors I love!

  41. I enjoyed all the facts from Mesu Andrews book and didn’t realize that Nebuchadnezzar restores the Tower of Babel.

  42. And I’ve learned that there are way too many books I want to read and way too little time! I need to lengthen my days…

  43. I loved learning about the authors and their inspirations, whether it be a house or a pastry chef recipes. Thanks for the giveaway.

  44. I have learned there are so many great books to read and so little time to read them in. I have discovered several new-to-me authors. I have increased by TBR list. AAAAHHHH!!!! Thanks for participating in the Scavenger Hunt and good luck everyone.

  45. I learned there are many authors that are new to me and a lot of interesting books to add to my reading wish list.

  46. I have “The Daughters of the Mayflower” series on my “series to read” list and even if I don’t win, I am going to read that series. Thank you for being a part of this scavenger hunt.

  47. Ships under my feet in San Fran, now that’s fascinating. I also love to hear about the research the authors do for their work.

  48. I have learned about many new and exciting books that I need to add to my reading list. Thanks for being a part of this scavenger hunt.

  49. I have learned about ships under the streets of San Francisco, I wonder if that makes them more unstable during earthquakes? Thanks for being part of the hunt!

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      Yes, it does make it unstable – so the huge earthquake at the beginning of the 1900s – they had to restructure a lot because of how the city was built on the landfill and ships. I love the National Geographic maps that show the ships that are still underneath the streets of San Francisco. I’m one of those that would LOVE to see that. 🙂

  50. I’ve learned about Bride Ships, San Francisco being built on top of old ships, and so much more about amazing authors and books!

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  51. This has been fun! Learned bits about authors, about their books, and many new to me authors. Looking forward to meeting you at FRS in August!

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      Yay! I can’t wait for FRS! I’ve got CFRR – Christian Fiction Readers Retreat next month and I’m thrilled to meet everyone. Make sure you find me in August so we can hug!

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