What Becca Left Behind…

Remember that your Woodhouse family loves you…

By now, you all know that Becca and I are VERY close. We’ve spent more than a decade as the best of friends and have SO many memories to share. It’s really quite a joy.

But this last weekend, Jeremy and I were at a couple’s retreat for our church and Becca and Nathan joined us. Yesterday, I got a text from Becca that her pillow had been left behind. (I won’t say who was responsible for the pillow, because there’s no blame here. <cough, cough, Nathan> LOL)

Hubby and I had already left, so I asked her if she wanted me to call about it. Her response? “Just another ‘Becca and Nathan left a piece of themselves behind’ story.”

So I should probably tell y’all the story. And explain the pictures of a cord with labels.

When Becca and I first met, Nathan was deployed. Y’all know that story already. Well, during that deployment, all kinds of crazy stuff happened to the house they were renting. So Becca spent a lot of time with us. (Hopefully some of it was because she wanted to be there not just because life had dealt her yet another disaster, but I’ll let her answer that one.) Every time she left us to go home, she ended up leaving something behind.

Her shoes.

Her keys.

Her laundry.

Her cell phone.

Her purse.

It became quite the inside joke and we would tease her every time she headed toward the door. “Becca do you have your shoes? Your keys? Your phone? Your laundry?”

Years passed and our friendship grew. They were stationed elsewhere and we moved to another town for ministry. She and Nathan came to visit.

When their visit with us was over and they headed out, we went through the obligatory list.

But this time? Nathan left his laptop.

Becca came to visit again by herself and–you guessed it–when she was preparing to leave, we all checked everywhere. Asked the long list of “do you have” – and guess what? She left a charging cord. That’s the cord pictured. So Kayla came up with a great idea that we should “label” it before we sent it back. So we did. Let’s just say, we got a little extra happy with the labels. One said, “yes, Becca, this is your cord” another said, “do you have your laundry?” etc etc etc.

Labels of Love…

But the story isn’t complete just talking about the cute, inside Woodhouse/Whitham family joke.

You see, every time I get the opportunity to see Becca and Nathan, I’m impressed with how precious they are to us. Not just because they’re now officially family. Not just because our friendship runs deep.

But because Becca (Nathan too) leave(s) behind joy, love, and laughter wherever they go. Every time we’re together, I’m infused with something good/new/refreshing/fun.

So – Becca – you don’t just leave your shoes, laundry, cords, and pillows. You bless all who know you with the beautiful little pieces of your heart that you leave behind.

I cherish that about you.

Until Next Time,
