Big and Small Decisions – Part 2

First – we want to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We are cheering for 2021 big time, aren’t you? Before I continue, I should probably warn you that I’m about to move across the country and I’m in the middle of editing A Deep Divide which releases in October, so my brain is just a little fried. (In other words, be prepared for random thoughts…)

Anyway, Becca and I had a fun conversation when she was here for Thanksgiving about how big and small decisions impact our lives. (If you haven’t read Becca’s post about it – make sure you go back and read it)

To continue with her beautiful train of thought, I wanted to share a little decision that became a huge decision that became life-changing.

Back in 2019 (that sounds like it was a century ago, doesn’t it?) Becca and I had the chance to get together several times for some great writer events. It was amazing that we were both back in the same region of the country again (her hubby is an army Chaplain, and my hubby is a Pastor – so the Lord has often called/moved us all) and we were only a day’s drive away from each other, so Becca invited us to come out and visit around Christmas. I wasn’t sure Jeremy would be able to get away with all the church stuff during the season, so our initial plan was flexible. (And yes, before you even ask, Becca and I *did* have a short conversation about “what if” our kids met again and hit it off… but I’ll come back to that later)

Sooooo… Christmas approached. We were all really excited about the visit. But I had a deadline fast approaching and Kayla and Jeremy both came down with colds. They were pretty miserable for a few days and we were supposed to be leaving very soon to head to Becca and Nathan’s. Our sweet friends had reserved us a great hotel for all of us to stay in and everything. But…I have to admit, I began to doubt. I didn’t want Jeremy and Kayla to be miserable on a trip. I knew Jeremy was exhausted from all he’d had going on. And of course, I was overwhelmed by all I had to do.

I went to talk to Jeremy about this – and laid out all the things I was worried about. “Should we take the trip?”

In my mind, I was thinking that he wouldn’t want to go. Becca and I have pretty much done anything and everything to be able to see one another and hang out, but I didn’t want to be selfish. It had been hard to see Kayla and Jeremy be so miserable with their colds, but at least they were feeling a bit better. But you know how it is when you’re a mom. You worry and fret about everyone and then worry about making the correct choice.

Jeremy though was quick to make the decision. He said, “Let’s go.”

And so we went.

Best. Trip. Ever.

Why? Well, Steven was visiting his parents for Christmas and was still there when we arrived. We had a blast playing games, eating, watching movies, and just hanging out as families that had been good friends for almost a decade.

And wouldn’t you know? A few weeks later, Steven and Kayla started dating.

In July, they were married.

Then in October, we were all on Skype together (Becca, Nathan, me, Jeremy, Steven and Kayla) when our kids shared the glorious news that in June we will get to meet the newest member to the family. (Yay for grandbabies!!!!!)

You see? Because I was worried and didn’t want to be selfish, I almost made a little decision about not going to see our precious friends. Even though Becca and I as authors would love to take credit for orchestrating this amazing romance, we can’t. I need to give credit to my husband. Granted, he didn’t match-make or orchestrate anything. But he said two little words that made it all happen. “Let’s go.”

And in all actuality, it was a bunch of little decisions that became a big decision that became life-changing.

Becca and I planned to get together.
Nathan and Becca made sure we had a place to stay.
Steven flew from NY to WA to see his parents.
Kayla came home from seminary for Christmas break.
The Woodhouses drove from MT to WA to see the Whithams.

The rest–as they say–is history.

Boy… am I ever thankful for our friends and for my husband making that little decision.

LOVE and FAMILY. They’re beautiful, aren’t they?

Goin’ to the Chapel…

Well… it’s official. The kids are married. It’s hard to believe that after all the adventures and fun Becca and I have had over the years, we now get to share something as cool as this.

The day of the wedding was absolutely beautiful. The bride was gorgeous. The groom so very handsome. And their faces… wow. What a joy as moms to get to see their love shining through.

Kleenex in hand… the moms are ready

Notice I’ve got my hand on Becca’s shoulder. I think we were both trying not to cry and hoping to hold it together. What a precious thing to be able share–our children marrying the love of their lives. It’s something we’ve prayed for our kids since before they were born. God is so good.

Lighting the Mother Candles for the Unity Candle

Some of my personal favorite moments of the day were people’s faces. Seeing my amazing husband’s face as he smiled walking our daughter down the aisle. Watching Steven’s face as he gazed at his bride coming toward him. Our daughter’s face beamed as she couldn’t take her eyes off her groom. Becca and Nathan’s faces as they rejoiced with their son. It was such a day full of JOY. Everywhere I looked.

The Woodhouse/Whitham wedding party

So join us in celebrating the beginning of #TheAuthorMoms and be prepared for our craziness to come. Because believe me… there will be lots.



We are overjoyed that you have joined us here. Becca and I (Kim) are excited to start this new endeavor.

As a couple of crazy authors who love crafty things, research, writing, and of course… always a good story– who knows where we will go from here?

Our kids are getting married in a few weeks, and I’m sure that we will be updating you as we go. We’d love your prayers for sanity, travel, and for the happy couple!

Be watching for our next blog and make sure you check us out on Instagram-

Enjoy the journey!