Goin’ to the Chapel…

Well… it’s official. The kids are married. It’s hard to believe that after all the adventures and fun Becca and I have had over the years, we now get to share something as cool as this.

The day of the wedding was absolutely beautiful. The bride was gorgeous. The groom so very handsome. And their faces… wow. What a joy as moms to get to see their love shining through.

Kleenex in hand… the moms are ready

Notice I’ve got my hand on Becca’s shoulder. I think we were both trying not to cry and hoping to hold it together. What a precious thing to be able share–our children marrying the love of their lives. It’s something we’ve prayed for our kids since before they were born. God is so good.

Lighting the Mother Candles for the Unity Candle

Some of my personal favorite moments of the day were people’s faces. Seeing my amazing husband’s face as he smiled walking our daughter down the aisle. Watching Steven’s face as he gazed at his bride coming toward him. Our daughter’s face beamed as she couldn’t take her eyes off her groom. Becca and Nathan’s faces as they rejoiced with their son. It was such a day full of JOY. Everywhere I looked.

The Woodhouse/Whitham wedding party

So join us in celebrating the beginning of #TheAuthorMoms and be prepared for our craziness to come. Because believe me… there will be lots.
