Pure Study… Living Each Moment to the Fullest

Be diligent to present yourselves approved to GOD as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth. –2 Timothy 2:15 NASB

As a PK  and PG on both sides of my family, I’ve grown up with the Bible. Being homeschooled, even more of my time was devoted to studying GOD’s Word. When I was fourteen I started doing Precept Upon Precept studies, and when I was fifteen I had training to be a P.U.P. leader.

Yet, I had a hard time studying for myself.

I grew up on Elisabeth George, Charles Ryrie, and Kay Arthur. Yet I was still having problems sitting myself down and studying the Bible by my own initiative. Not that I didn’t want to do my other studies; but I did have this overall sense of “get the homework done,  or you won’t understand the discussion.” Even then, having done five t six hours of “homework” I still didn’t feel I understood the text. Not until our group discussions on Monday mornings.

Why? How could I change it?

I struggled with this question for a long time. I figured it was mostly because I have a tendency to forget things; I have a hard time retaining information. But even that didn’t make complete sense because I can tell you every segment division of the book of Daniel, no problem.

It was the application principle I was having a hard time with. Even though it’s the part I’ve always gotten the most excited about. Again… WHY? I knew the principles. I knew what the text said.

Three weeks ago I had the most amazing “ah-ha” moment of my life. I realized: what I was lacking wasn’t application. It was personalization. I was failing to personalize my study, and thus, the personal application was missing.

I mentioned in my last blog that the past year has been one of mistakes. The older I get, the more imperfect I realize I am. (Not too fun for a perfectionist to come to terms with…) And now, for the first time in my life, I know that that’s okay.

GOD loves me even in my imperfection.

HE gave us HIS Word so that we could better ourselves, but not be perfect. That dream is unattainable this side of Heaven. And even then I will never know EVERYTHING. Even in eternity we’ll continue to grow in knowledge and application.

And ya know what? I’m glad.

As most of you know my mom is on a book tour in Alaska right now. (Sob.) So it’s just been my dad, brother and I. My momma and Aunt Tracie challenged me to finish the first draft of my new book. As soon as they left I had this feeling… “yeah, so not gonna happen.” But for a good reason. (Which of course my brain argues with…)

The past few weeks have been Heaven and agony all rolled up in one. Heaven: I’m learning to appreciate my mom more. I’m learning I CAN take care of an entire house (hey, haven’t burned it down yet!). I’m learning so much about myself and my SAVIOR, it makes me giddy. Biggest blessing: I’ve spent time in GOD’s word like never before. And it makes me so satisfied, I can’t even begin to explain. The agony of it is: the enemy doesn’t want me learning. Or growing. Or being joyful. As I’ve noticed a lot.

But guess what? I’m an overcomer!!! And so are you. 🙂

What has your day looked like?

Mine has been a battlefield. But encouraging beyond belief. Why? I’ve got Romans, 2 Timothy, Psalms, Ruth, Revelation… the BIBLE to run to. And it’s the best experience I’ve ever had before.

How is your study time? What have you learned lately? How is your journey?

How is your reading? Do you get a lot out of it? Or is it a “hit or miss” scenario?

This is where I was. Uncertain how I could be truthful in how to answer those questions. Oh, I KNEW what the RIGHT answer was, but not the truthful answer. And then my Sweetheart SAVIOR slowly peeled back the blinding scales on my eyes. I wish I could pin down the transformation to just one thing. One epiphany. But I really can’t… though some resources have significantly helped. I’ve always had the desire to learn more… but the question was, “how?” I was up to my ears in studies. Thankfully GOD used some things to significantly change me. My study time went from homework to “hungry for more!” These resources specifically helped me soooo much. I hope they’ll do the same for you. 🙂

So. Interested in transforming your study time? Check out:

-Living By the Book by Howard and William Hendricks http://www.amazon.com/Living-Book-Science-Reading-Bible-ebook/dp/B00F9MI90M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1411156999&sr=8-1&keywords=living+by+the+book+hendricks

-How to Study the Bible by Kay Arthur http://store.precept.org/bible-study-tools/how-to-study/How-to-Study-Your-Bible.html

-LORD, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days by Kay Arthur http://store.precept.org/By-Series/lord-series/Lord-Teach-Me-To-Study-The-Bible-In-28-Days.html

Secret Church Sessions by David Platt (My favorite. Absolutely life changing) http://www.radical.net/media/schurch/series_list/?id=338 (NOTE: join the Radical community– no fees, no junk mail — and you can have access to all past 14 Secret church sessions, each four parts–about one hour per part. You’ll find the “join” button up top. Then press on “your account”; then “resources”; then “secret church” and scroll down… Some of sessions include: “Old Testament Survey”, “New Testament Survey”, “How to Study the Bible”, “The Body of CHRIST”, “Family, Marriage, Sex and the Gospel”, “The Cross of CHRIST”, “Who Is GOD?”, and more!)

Radical by David Platt http://www.radical.net/store/list/?cat=9&item=54

Follow ME by David Platt http://www.radical.net/store/list/?cat=9&item=160

– GotQuestions.org http://www.gotquestions.org/

The New Inductive Study Bible http://store.precept.org/bibles/

– Operation World Prayer – http://operationworld.org

It’s amazing, isn’t it? How a personal GOD wants us to have personal time with HIM so our personal lives can touch other personal people? It’s a journey we can all embark on. And an exciting journey at that!

Please, don’t make the same mistake I did and merely sit by, wondering what you’re doing wrong. Take the step. Think about it. We may not have full access to GOD’s Word in our country forever. We don’t know how much time we have on earth. Don’t sit on the fence; don’t be lukewarm. Find a book of the Bible, read it, study it, get that journey started. It’s not a chore, not homework, not a box on the checklist. Be fed.

Make every moment matter.

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