Random…If Something’s Gonna Happen…

For a while, I did random posts on Mondays. (And I’ve had a lot of you email me telling me I needed to get my pattooty in gear and do them again.) Yes, they were crazy. Yes, they were weird. Yes, I know you loved them. But, I got overwhelmed with all the “random” things flying my way as soon as I started being more “random” πŸ™‚


This seems to be a trend in my life:

-Kinda like when I wrote a book about our story – about joy through trials. Guess what? The enemy definitely tried to yank that joy away.
-Last year, my word for the year was “balance.” And balance hid from me at every turn.
-A few weeks agoΒ at a writer’s conference, I mentioned that I have a problem. I tend to create too much conflict when I’m writing my fiction stories. WAY too much conflict. My poor readers need to catch their breath every now and then. When I brought this point up, a friend lovingly pointed out, “That’s because you write what you know. And your life is ALWAYS filled with conflict and chaos.” LOL – oh, so very true.

The point? I’m almost afraid to bring up random things…

When I was writing Welcome Home – I thought it would be funny to share the phrase my hubby had for me, so I titled one of the chapters, “If something’s going to happen, it’s going to happen to Kim.” (If you’re laughing right now, you’ve probably figured out where this is going…)

Seriously, who else goes on a book tour and gets the police called on them because they are either mormons or book smugglers? (I’m still trying to figure that one out.) Or gets the state troopers called in on the same tour – albeit in a different state – and stops traffic on a major highway because of a low bridge? Should I go on? No. I don’t think I should. For everyone’s sanity.

Anyway, for the sake of my beloved readers who liked the random posts, and in the hopes that I can defy Murphy’s law… Here goes:

-I killed an ant this morning. Just one.
-It’s warm today.
-My favorite color is red.
-I love KitchenAid appliances.
-I’m going to quit now before I have an ant infestation, it snows, my favorite color changes, or KitchenAid comes to my door demanding the return of their products.

There. How was that?

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