Resolutions, Words, and Homemade Ravioli

How many of you have made New Year’s resolutions? Even if it’s not specifically titled as such, a lot of us have at least said, “it’s a new year, I need to _________ .”

What about a “word” for the year? I know many people have done this for quite some time. Do you have a specific word for this year?

We would LOVE to hear from you guys about resolutions or words. I’ll (Kim) even you give you my two cents ๐Ÿ˜‰

As for resolutions – this year I’ve made some goals for myself. Goals that I know I can attain. Goals that won’t stress me out. Goals that will give me that happy little check-mark and I can grant myself permission to have a little party because I did it.

As for a word – well, let’s just say that last year’s word was “balance” and for some stinkin’ reason, it (balance) seemed to hide from me at every corner. I didn’t enjoy that very much. LOL
I’ve already been asked several times what my “word” is for this year… but I keep drawing a blank.

Yes, I’m a word person. Yes, I’m creative and can dream up many possibilities.

Nope. Still got nothin’.

Maybe it’s hesitation because I don’t want a do-over of last year’s elusive word. Maybe it’s because I’m tired.

Maybe it’s simply because I don’t have one yet.

But I DO have a new pasta maker and machine. I think I’ll go make ravioli…

Hmmm… Can ravioli be my word?

Comments 10

  1. My word for this year is GRACE. I need to give more grace and I need to receive grace from others and God. I tend to be hard on myself and those around me. So maybe the word HUMILITY would be good too…hhmmm. I’m a huge work in progress LOL

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      Shauna ยป oooh – that’s a good one. Actually, both are good ones ๐Ÿ™‚ – as to works in progress – whew, we all are, aren’t we? I need a LOT of help ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. I felt the LORD was pressing the word “courage” into my heart, but it sort-of made me scared to claim courage. I mean, why might I need it??? lol

      I’ve also considered gratitude.

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  2. Ravioli is a perfectly acceptable and awesome word and don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise. In fact, I’m going to start looking for jewelry and embroidered pillows with Ravioli emblazoned on them. I will buy each and every one I find and give them to you, my friend. Because I love you. I also love ravioli, but that is entirely beside the point.

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  3. my resolution is to try and write a book ๐Ÿ™‚ i have some of it together already but your book “no safe haven” really inspired me:)

  4. Hi Kim and Kayla
    My name is Jenna and I am happy I found your site, because I watched your extreme home make over edition on tv. I was very inspired because I have a very rare life threatening disease. I am not expected to live long but so far have lived longer than what the doctors have said. Kayla you are my hero, and you are a beautiful champ! You are an inspiration to many, and your smile is so pretty it lights up any room you enter. I am going to have to try to see if I can get one of your books cause I love reading.
    Here is a poem I found about courage:
    I hope you have a good week full of joy, happiness and smiles.

    What is courage? What defines a courageous act? It is said that the brave and cowardly person are both fearful. However, it is the brave one who faces his fear and does what needs to be done. We will be faced with many things that scare us throughout our lives. How can we become the kind of people that face our fear and do it anyway? Human growth takes place when we take small steps. Each time we face our fears we become more of the courageous person that we would like to be.
    You have courage and bravery!

    The joke of the day:
    Why aren’t football stadiums built in outer space? Because there is no atmosphere

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      Jenna ยป We would love to hear more about you! Thank you so much for stopping by – what a privilege to get to know you a little here. Please send you mailing address privately through our contact page and I’ll make sure that you receive books. God Bless you! Kim and Kayla

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