The Sad Saga of the Shoes

If you follow me on social media, you might remember a story about me and shoes last year. The fact that I had several conferences and speaking engagements within a few weeks and I had laid out all my clothes and shoes for each trip so that I could pack and unpack quickly.

In typical Kim fashion though (remember, my husband always says that “if something’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen to Kim”), I showed up at our ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) national conference last year with all the wrong shoes. That’s right, none of my shoes matched what I brought. What was the worst? I didn’t have the shoes to go with my fancy dress for the gala. 

After realizing my packing disaster, I had to laugh. So I posted on social media and basically said if you saw me throughout that week and I didn’t match, you’d know why. Which led to people bringing me shoes. I even had a sweet friend offer to go to store for me on the way there and bring me some (which she did, with her precious daughter who picked out the CUTEST shoes – I’m waving at you Jamie!!!) Y’all. It was amazing. The outpouring of shoes.

Which would have been perfect. Except…

I dropped a box of books on my foot during that week and then I couldn’t wear ANY of the cute shoes with my fancy dress. 

Yeah. Not my finest hour. I ended up wearing a pair of sneakers with books printed on them and then also walking around barefoot that night because my foot was swollen. It was ridiculous.

But all these people kept commenting and complimenting me on the comfy cute shoes. Why not wear good ol’ tennies with a dress? Then I found out my fav sparkly pair that Jamie’s daughter picked out was by a brand that made sparkly tennis shoes. 

Guess what I’ve done in the past year since this conference? I’ve been going through my hoards and hoards of shoes and out have gone the heels and dress shoes (well, almost all of them)–which I had WAY too many of in the first place–and I’ve been collecting the sparkly tennis shoes instead. All year, I’ve had so many people comment on my shoes and how cute they are and how COMFORTABLE they must be. 

And they are very comfortable. I’ve found I can pretty much wear them with anything and everything. 

As I’m packing for the ACFW conference this year, guess what I’m bringing? Yep. Sparkly shoes. Even with my fancy-schmancy dress for the gala (where 26 BELOW is up for a CAROL AWARD!!!!!!! Squeal!) – At least I know I’ll be comfortable. At my age, I’m looking forward to that. 🙂 Hope y’all have a great week!


Comments 9

  1. I would much rather see a comfortable, stylish pair of tennis shoes with a fancy dress, than see those ugly ripped jeans with high heels – now that looks disgusting. If you are good to your feet, they will be good to you and help you stand or just being on them with grace.
    Dress like you mean business – not like you are getting ready for a confrontation.
    Kim, there’s a new code out: comfort and class can now go hand-in-hand, and I think you
    have hit the nail on the head. You go girl and let your tennis shoes do the walking.
    hugs to ya

  2. I love your shoe story! I’m a collector of shoes, much to my husband’s dismay. My shoe of choice is Fit Flops. They come in all styles and colors. They even have sparkly ones! I wore a pair to my son’s wedding. They are so comfortable to walk in and in the cooler weather they even have styles that are closed toe and even sneakers. I discovered after ordering my first pair that I needed a size smaller than I normally wear.

  3. I think you have chosen wisely. If your feet hurt then you are uncomfortable
    These days women are becoming more aware that shoes need to be comfortable even in the work places especially if you are on your feet all day.
    Bless you for taking care of your feet. See God had it all under control.
    Thank you for your newsletter.
    I’m glad you have a new book out as I have read all the rest.
    God Bless You.

  4. What a magical conclusion to the story. I think no matter any age, it is an act of kindness to your body to wear tennis shoes and it’s an act of kindness to your psyche to just add sparkles. Go ahead. Be the magic. 🎉🩷

  5. You might consider cowboy boots. I have horrible feet that hurt badly if I wear the wrong thing. By badly, I mean they hurt all the way to my waist. No, that is not an exaggeration, though it only happens if it is a really bad attack.

    Anyway, I find cowboy boots to be a lifesaver. And with fancy leather overlays, elaborate stitching, plus a little bit of bling, they go almost anywhere. I was so happy to discover something pretty that I could wear.

    Just saying.

  6. I love the sparkly shoes! I have problems with my feet that limit what kind of shoes I can wear, but now I find myself wondering if sparkly tennis shoes would provide the support I need. I hope I get to meet you at the conference. I’m one of the first-timers.

  7. Enjoy yourself, I have a habit of collecting boots, ankle, knee length, you name it. But I can’t go without comfy shoes.

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