Unearth the secrets…

The secrets of the past, the secrets of the dinosaurs, and the secrets of a lost treasure.

Y’all, I can’t even tell you how excited I am that it is RELEASE DAY for A HOPE UNBURIED!!!!

If you haven’t purchased it yet, would you pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top go to your favorite book store and pick it up? It’s huge for the algorithms and for a book’s success to have these early sales. Here’s some links: A Hope Unburied – Amazon   A Hope Unburied – Barnes and Noble A Hope Unburied – Baker Book House 

Second – would you please share about this series with your friends? The Secrets Beneath won the OVERALL novel of the year from the Christian Market Book Awards and Set In Stone won the OVERALL novel of the year for the Golden Scrolls! 

This “Dino” series has been such a joy for me to write and to hear the responses from readers. Women in paleontology fascinate me, the Bone Wars is such a cool part of our American history, and to see how the Creator and science go hand in hand is beautiful. I hope you get a chance to read them. 

In addition to being release day – I also have to tell you that we are celebrating our way to my 40th book release. A Hope Unburied is release #39 and 70 North (Oct 15) is # 40!!! 

AND – huge drumroll here… 8 DOWN – the second in the Alaskan Cyber Hunters series got nominated for a Christy! That’s right – it’s a finalist in the Christy awards!!! (Of course, I’m up against my dear friend, Jaime Jo, who finaled with TWO books – so I’ll be there cheering her on!)

To celebrate the Christy nomination – Kregel put the ebook up for sale. It’s only for a few days – so grab this great price while you can and tell ALL your reading friends 🙂 

8 DOWN ebook link SALE 

You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for sticking with me and for helping me to celebrate the RELEASE day of A HOPE UNBURIED!!!

Until next time,


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