Friends Don’t Let Friends Research Alone – Part 1

We’ve had so much fun launching The Author Moms that we wanted to make sure you got a front row seat to all that we have going on and all the escapades we’ve had.

For years, Becca and I have been dear friends. We’ve been critique partners. We’ve traveled, gone on book tours, gone to conferences, and researched together.

Earlier this year, I asked Becca if she would go with me on a research trip. You see, I’m thrilled that I have a new series coming out from Bethany House that takes place in 1905 at the beautiful El Tovar Hotel that sits on the rim of the Grand Canyon.

The timing seemed to be perfect. Becca’s daughter was due with her first child (which would be grandbaby #1 – woohoo!) several weeks later – so Becca said she could swing it for a few days so I didn’t have to go by myself.

That, people? Is friendship.

Here we are at the Grand Canyon. Let me tell you, I have what my kids call T-rex arms (they’re short – lol) and so trying to get a shot with both of us AND the massive Grand Canyon in the background was quite a feat. But we did it!

The Author Moms at the Grand Canyon

And we didn’t fall in! (I FaceTimed my parents a few times from there since they’d never seen the Grand Canyon… and one time my mom said, “don’t fall in!” – it gave us and several other tourists a good chuckle. One of the guys who heard it said, “You never stop being a mom.” Yep – that is so true. I’m sure I’ll be saying stuff like that to my adult kids for the rest of their lives too.)

Becca is more than just a friend. And she’s more than just family, too. She’s also a brilliant author and so when we were doing research, she knew exactly what I needed. She also came up with incredible questions to ask and ideas for me to pursue. She’s amazing and I’m so glad she walked into that writer’s meeting a decade ago so we could meet.

The research trip was fast and furious, but full of fun and TONS of pictures, notes, questions, and ideas.

Friends don’t let friends research alone.

About to have our first meal at The El Tovar restaurant. This dining room plays a major part in my stories since The Harvey Girls are so integral to the history here.

5 thoughts on “Friends Don’t Let Friends Research Alone – Part 1”

  1. So fun! That is the very best kind of trip. I’m putting, “writer buddy research extravaganza” right on my bucket list. Maybe several times, as I’m sure this shouldn’t just happen once.

  2. What a fantastic post! It looks like y’all had a great time. That’d be fun to go on a “writerly adventure” with a writing buddy. I’ll look forward to reading the fruits of your research in the near future.

  3. Hmmmm – do I smell another research trip?? Maybe about Independence Mine??? Hatcher’s Pass is calling! The mossyberries are ripe! The bears are still roaming!!

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